The Pour: Light orange-amber, 2 finger ivory white head.
The Bouquet: Earthy, piney hops, grapefruit, and pineapple citrus notes are prominent
The Sip: Nice bitterness from the hops and citrus. This is a very hop forward beer with herbal earthy pine hops. Malty sweetness which makes it a little bready.
Mouth-Feel: Light carbonation, very malty for an IPA, super smooth. Full-bodied hops linger after swallowing.
Overall: Beautiful. On the maltier side of IPAs that I’ve had in the past, but I really like this. This IPA has a very nice weight to it. Full-bodied earthy hops bounce around the palate while the malt anchors the whole package. Very easy drinking IPA. Pair with a burger or pulled pork sandwich, or just drink it by itself.